
   While it would be easy to say "we take good men and make them better", the question remains: what is better?

   In a way, we are no different from many other charitable organizations. We believe in helping those around us. However, it is not only one area of interest. We contribute upwards of $3 million a day to various charities and charitable organizations, while not being part of a religious organization in itself. Nor are we mainstream. We have deep rooted traditions and precepts we live by. Many belong to churches of our areas, but this is separate from what we do in lodge, because one only has to believe in God to be a Mason. Ultimately, due to God's gift of life to us in this world, we have a duty to live, work and play in a way to make this gift better, as men, for all.

   Now, with that being said,  the question still remains in part, what do we do? We work in our communities. We serve our families. We strive to encourage good men to not just be good, but to live with purpose and to help improve humanity as a whole with our minds, abilities, and resources. We do this by donating, not only a portion of our livelihood, but a portion of our time. Below are some of our charitable efforts locally.

College Scholarships and Lamar Award

 We offer academic scholarships to students regardless of race, creed, religious or masonic affiliation. Simply put, we choose to invest in young minds who we believe will be productive members of society for the betterment and contribution to all.

   The Lamar award, named after the "Father of Education in Texas", 1838 Republic of Texas President, Mirabeau Lamar, is reserved for the up and coming graduate: Normally a 3rd year student that excels in a well rounded growth path towards a stellar graduating year. One of the highest, non-monetary awards given for academic excellence! 

Fantastic Teeth Program

   Each year we provide toothpaste kits to the first grade children of Goliad Elementary in an effort to reinforce the oral hygene programs taught in health! This is a statewide effort in which many Masonic lodges take the time to place a toothbrush, tube of tooth paste, floss and more into a small travel pouch for the children.

The Community Builder Award

This award is given to acknowlege the hard work and dedication a member of our community, who is a non-Mason, that gives of themselves for the common good.